Funeral & Consolation Ministry
Funeral Ministry
When someone we care about passes from this life to the next, we are ready to help with funeral planning and other personal needs.
The ministry offers: coordination of funeral arrangements with a priest, scheduling of the church and the mortuary, assistance in choosing funeral or memorial Mass readings, lectors, and proper eulogies.
We are available as needed. There are no meetings. We are looking for compassionate people who are willing to attend the funeral service and support the family.
Volunteers to the ministry are rewarded with serving those in the greatest need of God’s love and compassion. Through Christ’s love and power of the Holy Spirit, we bring comfort as we allow ourselves to be used by God to bring his light and love to those grieving.
Funeral Coordinator
Karen Crowley
Contact SCDA Office: 714-970-7885 or office@scdayl.org
Ministry of Consolation
Ministry of Consolation is an outreach program that offers support for parishioners who have suffered the loss of a loved one. The Ministry of Consolation will show the support and care of SCDA through assisting the parishioner with scheduling Mass Intentions, organizing visits from the Extraordinary Ministry to the Homebound, schedule meetings with the Priest, coordinate meals or food delivery, and an invitation to attend Embrace, if and when they are ready.
Coordinator of the Ministry of Consolation
Beth Van Hoogmoed