Anointing of the Sick, Bereavement, and Funerals
For the anointing of the sick, contact:
Front office
(714) 970-7885
For funeral arrangements, contact:
Front office
(714) 970-7885
Ministry of Consolation
Ministry of Consolation is an outreach program that offers support for parishioners who have suffered the loss of a loved one. The Ministry of Consolation will show the support and care of SCDA through assisting the parishioner with scheduling Mass Intentions, organizing visits from the Extraordinary Ministers to the Homebound, schedule meeting with the Priest, coordinate meals or food delivery, and an invitation to attend Embrace, if and when they are ready.
Coordinator of the Ministry of Consolation: Beth Van Hoogmoed, evanhoogmoed2011@yahoo.vom
Beyond the Broken Heart: a Compassionate Journey through sorrow